This blog has a lot of new visitors, and I’m really glad to see that! But I also don’t want to be fooling anyone into being a part of a community with me if the fit isn’t right either, you know?
So, I figured I’d give ye a little dose of who I really am, like right down to the core. And if you don’t like that for any reason, and are actually a racist (whether you call yourself that or not) just jog on. Simple!
First off, I use a lot of sweary words. My son (12yo) got a bit scandalised a while back hearing me chatting with Eilís on a ‘Your Irish Connection’ — Check it Here — interview on my Youtube Channel, because I was cursing – “That’s not very professional Mam!”, says he. Well… it is what it is.
Second off, it’s not just my personal belief and lived experience that all people are equal and deserve the same human rights and safe community and care… it’s a fundamental part of the Irish experience. There’s a whole lot of bullshit floating around in the European Heritage communities that’s basically, and sometimes overtly (I’m looking at you Carolyn Emerick, mega shitehawk and peddler of appropriative racist codswallop), white supremacy, fascism, and neo nazi nonsense.
That’s not who the Irish are, or ever were.
Look, we’re not perfect. Modern Ireland can be really ignorant at times, and our lack of exposure to other cultures can be painfully obvious in the unthinking attitudes and beliefs of the people – but as a nation we truly, genuinely care for our fellow people all over the globe. We’re ranked the ninth most generous country in the world, and given the economic climate of the last few years, that’s pretty fucking cool.
It goes back further than modern charitable donations though. Even back to a time when we were on the brink of another famine, severely under the thumb of english rule and SUFFERING… we were still aware and working to support the civil rights movement in America.
Consider a quote from Daniel O’Connell, in 1843:
“How can the generous, the charitable, the humane, and the noble emotions of the Irish heart have become extinct amongst you? How can your nature be so totally changed as that you should become the apologists and advocates of the execrable system which makes man the property of his fellow man – destroys the foundation of all moral and social virtues – condemns to ignorance, immorality and irreligion, millions of our fellow creatures …? It was not in Ireland that you learned this cruelty…Over the broad Atlantic I pour forth my voice saying come out of such a land you Irishmen, or if you remain and dare continue to countenance the system of slavery that is supported there, we will recognize you as Irishmen no longer!”
– Daniel O’Connell. (…)
Irish people have ALWAYS held kinship with the minorities, the downtrodden, the immigrants, the unwanted, the pillaged, the ethnically cleansed. We have been them, and our hearts remember. Our warrior spirit fights alongside those who need our support.
Here’s your Irish Connection Resources on this topic, mo chairde. [click the headlines for links]
Daniel O’Connell upon American slavery : with other Irish testimonies.
(by O’Connell, Daniel, 1775-1847. Publication date 1860. Topics Slavery — United States)
Frederick Douglass Photograph: MPI/Getty Images
Frederick Douglass’s Irish Odyssey
Tom Chaffin, writing for the Irish Times, assesses the influence of his time in poverty-ridden and religiously divided Ireland, on the anti-slavery campaigner Frederick Douglass. To the end of his life, he fondly remembered his 1840s lecture tour of Ireland and the welcoming reception he had been accorded. And though many Irish-Americans often opposed his civil rights efforts, he also viewed the Irish, in both Ireland and America, as a persecuted people.
Here’s all of His Work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’18)
To get an Irish Resources email like this (though usually a little less grumpy?! No promises mind you) delivered to you each Monday, join our Community Mailing List for your Authentic Irish Connection…
I have to say Lora, I love your spirit, your ideals, and the fact that you are not about hate. It is refreshing, especially now. Things are a disaster in the states, many including myself, fear the division now runs so deep that another civil war is coming. Too much hate, most just fueling the flames. I think you’re wonderful and open with a good heart. Thank you for being a thinking person with a open mind.
Thank You
It is my understanding, from my reading over the years, the Celts who would settle in Ireland(along with others in prehistory) were a CULTURAL group. Meaning while there is going to be some genetic markers, being linked culturally through language, music and way of life was what marked Celtic tribal identity as opposed to appearance. Through their continental migration who knows how many genomes they picked up from Eurasia, the Mediterranean, and eventually the the British Isles. People looking to the Celts (Irish, Scots, Welsh, etc) to validate their “whiteness” are really barking up the wrong tree….
My great-grandfather was a first generation American, born in Brooklyn, NY of Irish parents. He went west and landed in Colorado. He eventually became Fire Chief of Denver in the 1920’s. He actively defied the KKK, who were very active here at the time, and always sent his men to put out the fires they started. He always served ALL people of Denver, regardless of race or religion. I am grateful to have come from a line of people who have stood for equality and justice, even when it wasn’t popular. Thank you for this post.