Funny story about the Mórrígan.
On Sunday 13th October, I was in Dublin presenting at Octocon – The National Irish Science Fiction Convention.
(Details for 2020 are here, by the way –
It was a lovely day, filled with lovely people… and a small* amount of wine was consumed. By me.
AFTER the event (and some more wine), we decided to go for dinner with some lovely friends. We decided on Sushi, because, my friends, I am all about the sushi. Just give me all of the sushi, all of the time.
The Mórrígan and Eels
As we walked to dinner, the hunger came upon me, for a type of Sushi that has been made clear to me, by Herself (the Mórrígan), that I am not to have. Or at least, I am not to take lightly. But I love it the very best, of all the sushi.
That is, Unagi.
Yes, you guessed it. I am spiritually restricted from eating an Eel.
It’s not a ban, exactly. It’s not a ‘never ever’ geis, a taboo, a prohibition. But it is to be taken seriously.
There’s been a few times where I’ve really wanted it, and the contractual price in return just… wasn’t worth it.
Wine-imbibing Lora decided that eel was on the menu, that night, and consequences be damned.
No, I didn’t just go ahead and eat it and expect to pay the price – I was tipsy not brain damaged. I did what any reasonable person would do… I went into the restaurant bathroom and had a conversation with a Goddess.
The upshot of all this was…

I got my lovely unagi nagiri.
The Mórrígan’s Price
I agreed to produce a YouTube Video or a blog post EVERY DAY in November, especially answering any Questions about working with Herself or the Sisters that our community would like to throw my way.
So, if you have any Mórrígan questions, comment below and ask.
I know some of you are laughing at me right now. I probably deserve that 🤷♀️
You can follow along on the Mórrigan Playlist at YouTube… Subscribe to my Channel here – – and hit the bell for notifications so you don’t miss any content updates.
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And of course I’ll be emailing ye through the mailing list as we go. (Make sure you’re a member, sign up is below!)
Slán go fóill
Lora 💚
*I say a small amount… I’m very tall. Proportionally, the wine volume was small compared to my tall. My blood alcohol levels on the day may not have agreed with this analysis logic, but whatever.
What is the significance of the nine plaits the Morrigan wears in her hair and what does it mean when she undoes them?
I saw somewhere (not exactly where) that the Morrigan more often calls to women than to men. In your experience is this the case? But what about non-binary people regardless of their assigned birth gender? (I am AMAB and non-binary and currently feel a strong calling)
I have seen followers of the Morrigan call themselves a “War band” What kind of warriors does the Morrigan want to follow her? What kind of fighting does she want us to do? Is there room for poetry in our battles?
Hi lora,
My question is you think the Morrigan is going to hear or listen to someone trying to contact her from Canada? Or does she mainly focus on Ireland as a protector &guardian of the land,sky,and sea?
Loving the Morrigan downloads Lora, thanks! I have very difficult work that I do for the Morrigan – pushing through a new paradigm shift to help lift ‘severely’ autistic people from off the bottom of society’s shoes, up towards their actual, staggeringly elevated place as ultra sensitive, intelligent star people with crucially important redemptive information to pass on to the rest of us. It’s an exhausting battle. I bleed. I feel that disability is the last vast international arena of blatant, legally enforced apartheid and bigotry. Currently I am face-to-face with the dead-behind-the-eyes next stage of the legal trafficking of vulnerable beings into institutions in Ireland for money (in the shape of disability residential services, for which the taxpayer hands over vast amounts, much of which gets extorted by narcissistic profiteers while they let the very needful people they’re supposed to serve go to hell). It’s a very pathological, psychopathic, intimidating energy, which gaslights you no matter how copped on you are to it. It’s next stop Mother and Baby Homes material. SOOOOOO having read Morgan Daimler’s wonderful translation on your lore course, the one where the Morrigan shifts into eel, she-wolves, and a stampede of white cows with red ears…. I feel I’ve been directed towards that imagery and energy as magical tools, to give me supernatural advantage over the massive institutional power that I’m up against. And this has made me think about curses. I’ve got that ‘what goes out comes back three times’ jingle to contend with, plus I do think you have to be extremely careful in using curse magic – really it can only be protection of the vulnerable magic, including self-defence – but I’d love to hear what Herself has discussed with you about the ethics of curses, or what you’ve gleaned generally. And how you keep yourself safe from energetic bounce-back if you feel that curses are required, particularly in your Morrigan warrior work. Go raibh mhait agat!
Thank you for sharing how this unfolded.
Hey yea Lora, I’m Laura. I want to thank you for answering my question regarding deals in previous lives. I know I made (not my family/bloodline) a deal with herself and I think I need to go to the cave of the cats. Would you recommed I do it as although I’m Irish(to the bone) I live abroad? Slán
Hi Lora, my names Pete and I am a Witch of long standing practicing in the south west of England. Over the past few years my attention and reflection has been drawn to firstly Corvids and secondly the recurring theme of The Mórrígan in my life. Signs and Portents I am trained not to ignore so here I stand on the edge of a new relationship humbly introducing myself to The Mórrígan. Thank you for your channel and blog these have inspired me greatly. Blessed Be.
Sorry for my poquísimo inglés…
I are Spain ,,,my name Marina.
No sé si es Morrigan o mi imaginación
Pero viendo video de Lara , salió dentro de mi cabeza ( así lo sentí) recuerdos de que en los años 90 Morrigan fue la primera Diosa tuve…la volví a recordar en Febrero 2023.
Surgieron visiones de locura, espejos muchos espejos, y poderes mentales…y sangre relacionada con árbol genealógico…y más visiones de locura
Y más poderes mentales y otra vez más sangre genealogía.
Y los oídos molestias y imágenes de teléfonos una tras de otra..y otra cosa que hizo me arranco a otra diosa yo adoraba ( pero esta otra diosa comprobé me llevaba a genealogía mala)
Morrigan apoya la monarquía terrestre… Ella es monárquica estelar Reina
Es Morrigan o es fantasía mía?
I don’t speak Spanish sorry.