Learn about Ancient Ireland’s Laws and Customs through study of the Brehon Law system. A student in our Mórrígan Intensive Programme asked me for resources on the Brehon Law system the other day, and I had to be honest – I didn’t have them to hand. It’s not an area I’ve really dug into yet,…
Aislinge Óenguso
The Dream of Oengus Irish Source Lore Manuscripts: London, British Library, MS Egerton 1782 [1516-1518] f. 70r22–70v10 Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1287 (H 1. 13) [1746] p. 328 Modern transcript The following is an excerpt from an excellent book, detailed below, which you should absolutely have a copy of in your library! Jeffrey Gantz. Early Irish Sagas. Oengus was asleep…
Irish Pagan Podcasts
These are not all Irish Pagan Podcasts specifically, but they will be of interest to those who want to authentically connect to Irish Paganism, and they do raise Irish voices offering quality historical and cultural information. Story Archaeology Podcast Uncovering the layers of Irish Mythology. On this site, you will find a regular podcast and articles about…
What Are Pagan Beliefs?
Normally, questions come in from my Mailing List or YouTube comments, and I’ll answer them in blogs or videos, but I was a little unprepared to be asked the question: “What are Pagan beliefs?” while attending a recent Irish activism event. Caught on the hop, I guess, would be a better description, as it was…
Beltane – Bealtaine Traditions in Irish Folklore
Beltane is the anglicised version of our Irish word Bealtaine – still in use and meaning ‘the month of May’ in our own language. Bealtaine is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature, and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. Irish folklore still holds the legacy of the traditions and customs…
In Memoriam – Jon Hanna
Today, I’m grieving. Yesterday morning, I learned of the loss of a very good friend. I was in a café having breakfast while I waited on our car to be fixed… the most ordinary of situations, right? My friend Cat texted me, to check had anyone been in touch, and then asked for a phone…
Classical & Irish Writers Discussing Druids…
This collection of quotes about druids and druidic practices is from an old Angelfire website that I unfortunately can’t find a credit for. Although the material itself is all public domain, I’d like to credit whoever first compiled it, so comment below if you know! Sopater [late fourth-century BC] (via Athenaeus 4.160):Among them is the…
Irish Pagan Resources – February 2019
Recommended Irish Pagan resources on topics such as Irish Mythology, Irish History, Irish Culture, Irish Spirituality, Irish Storytelling & Irish Travel.
Irish Medieval Food – Pottage
“Pottage is not so much used in all Christendom as it is used in England” – Andrew Boorde, Dyetary (I542) Pottage in England, came from the Old French pottage, meaning simply ‘potted dish’. I’m not sure how extensively Mr. Boorde had travelled in Ireland, but here it was craibechan for a stew and anraith for…
Irish Folklore – The Nails
As any witch will know, you take good care of where your hair and nails end up. And with whom. So here’s some advice from the native Irish Folklore tradition on best practices around your own nail care. Avoid cutting your nails on Sunday. it is thought that whoever does so is followed closely by…